Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thank Heaven for a Porch

White rockers on a shady porch aren't bad all by themselves.  Add the heady scent of Confederate Jasmine and the song of a mockingbird and you might be approaching the Walt Disney version of springtime heaven.

The jasmine is in full bloom - on both ends of the porch and also along the fence that borders the garden. Here it is against one of the porch columns, and in the photo below, you can see the younger vine against the far column.  I planted it six years ago when we arrived here.
The vines are green year-round, but I try to spend extra time on this porch when they are singing their loudest song, in full bloom.
A porch is such a simple thing, but the best things in life usually are.

Tomorrow is Countdown Friday
Take time to enjoy.  Life is so much better when you do. 

1 comment:

  1. I will attest to the fact that you're 100% correct about porches! We live on ours for 3 seasons of the year. You wouldn't by any chance have a little side table there with some mint juleps on it, would you? Or sweet tea? We've been making lemonade.
    Our scent here at the moment is from our lilacs...
    Ah...spring and summer!
    Hugs, Diane
