Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gertrude Jekyll

I'm just in from the garden with a tray full of Gertrude Jekyll roses, ready for water.  If this rose was a woman, she would be the one who walks into a crowded room and kidnaps all of the oxygen, just by the sheer force of her will.

Gertrude Jekyll is a David Austin English Rose, and is considered the most fragrant of all roses.  I can testify!  Every May (yes, I know this is April...) she comes to call and steals my heart all over again.  If I'm lucky, she will return for a brief encore in September.
Arranged in a Rose Medallion vase on loan from my sister, she looks mah-velous!  I placed the leftovers in a Rose Medallion teacup of my own, piled the loose petals in a matching bowl and scattered a few on top of the piano where my little collection of Rose Medallion lives year-round.  The scent is something from heaven!
Later in the day, my husband happened by as the sun was slanting across the living room and caught a close-up of the loose petals.
After dinner, the lamplight only improved things.

Did I mention how much I love Gertrude Jekyll roses?

 With so many beautiful things coming out of my garden in April and May, I'm racing to capture them all.  Just so you know - the peonies are full to bursting and the JASMINE is not far behind.  More from the garden cam next week!


  1. I'm inhaling! Wish the scent could come all the way up here! I'll just have to wait until our Rugosas start to bloom. They're so heavily fragrant we can even smell them on the opposite side of the house. But they are nowhere as beautiful as yours pictured!
    Hugs, Diane
