We've been telling people for years that our dog, Maggie, swims to the deep end of the pool and climbs out the ladder, just like any normal "person" would do. Here is the photographic evidence, snapped this afternoon while we were stealing the last hot day for a long afternoon swim. Our weather is supposed to cool down into the 70's by tomorrow and I'm sad to say goodbye to Summer 2010. What a remarkable five months we have had - filled with sunshine, bright flowers, shade trees and sweet tea, giant vegetables from the garden, long weekends at the beach, travels to wonderful places, country roads every evening at sunset with Ben E. King and The Drifters keeping us company on the car stereo, long conversations with faithful friends, lots of hard, rewarding work, prayers of thanksgiving and praise to God every chance we got, hilarious memories made with our family - and the best news of all - we're welcoming our first grandchild in March 2011. So we look forward to Autumn and Winter - knowing that Spring will bring new life (in more ways than one) - and Summer 2011 will find us right back in the pool - teaching the baby how to swim!